Reverse Wrinkles Naturally

Reverse Wrinkles Naturally

Reverse Wrinkles Naturally

Reverse Wrinkles Naturally

3 Tips To Radically Smooth, Tighten, and Rejuvenate Crepey Skin! 

Reverse Wrinkles Naturally



The secret isn’t in a syringe! Have smoother, tighter, firmer skin and faster Collagen turnover! Look younger looking! Never avoid taking pictures again! 

Mountain Girl
5.0 out of 5 stars – This Product Really Has Worked For Me
This product really has worked for me. I saw a difference in just a couple of days. My skin is very dry, especially during the winter months. Tighten’ Up has actually helped with the crepey and “ashy” feeling that you get when your skin is flaky from being too dry. I use it at night and first thing in the morning.
88 people found this helpful


QUESTION (3) copy

Hi Victoria,

I’m the CEO of a large corporation and I’m finding it very difficult (due to stress, long hours, and bad eating) to keep a youthful appearance. My skin has become very dry and what were once fine lines around my eyes and mouth, have now become deep furrows! My neck is starting to jiggle and my cheeks are drooping. What would you recommend I try to reverse my crepey skin? I’m young at heart and have tons of energy, but my looks do not reflect how youthful I feel. I still need to compete in the corporate world.

Sincerely ~ Barbara W.

Hi Barbara!

Thank you so much for your question! You are not kidding when it comes to competition in the workplace. It’s like a dog-eat-dog world out there and you’ve got to reflect vibrancy, energy, and youthfulness to compete. Women and men who are not celebrities who need to look good to keep their jobs or corporate executives who are competing with Millennials want something to help their skin look youthful, with fewer wrinkles and crepey-looking skin on their face, neck, chest, arms, and legs. I’ve traveled the world and have spent thousands on luxury treatments, products, you name it. But, many of them had chemicals and fillers! What I love about Victoria’s Celebrity Luxury TIGHTEN’ UP – Total Body CREPEY SKIN CREAM is it has ALL scientifically proven ingredients to help you get rid of crepey skin! The longer you use it, the better your skin will look. Crepey skin is a severe condition and doesn’t reverse easily, but if you know what causes it, what you can do and use to stop it and reverse it, you will be ahead of the game. What I love about this formulation is it works! Keep reading to find out by best 3 Tips To Radically Smooth, Tighten, and Rejuvenate Crepey Skin and reverse wrinkles naturally. Once you understand what crepey skin is and what causes it, you are ready to start!

Increase production of new skin cells by 57% while increasing the area of new cell growth by  680%! 

Reverse Wrinkles Naturally

It’s a horrible feeling to feel younger than you look! I understand! yet, I’ve seen my client’s skin become transformed! Keep reading how you can do the same.

What is Crepey Skin?

Crepey skin is your body’s response to low levels of elastin and collagen—proteins that allow your skin to stretch and contract. As you enter your 30s, protein production in your skin begins to drop, resulting in thinner skin that will eventually start to wrinkle and sag. On parts of your body where the skin is thin and constantly being stretched and pulled, crepey skin is more likely to form. If you have lost a lot of weight, you have post-partum baby fat, or simply going through the natural aging process, you are most likely experiencing crepey skin. Here are 5 ways to get rid of the crepey skin and look younger, and radically tighten your skin.

Best Skincare Products For Aging

Greasy chips and other processed foods are full of chemicals, useless calories, and zero ingredients that will help keep wrinkles away. Swap this salty, bloat-causing snack with crunchy veggies and hummus or savory salsa.

What Causes Crepey Skin?

There are multiple causes for crepey skin including collagen loss as you age, dehydration, unreleased toxins in the skin, extreme weight loss, lack of proper nutrition, smoking, alcohol, lack of exercise, and over-the-top sun exposure. Eating processed foods (mainly junk foods) is the biggest culprit.  Almost all foods today are processed unless you are eating them straight from the ground, plant, or tree. It’s the degree of processing that is to be considered. Foods that have tons of chemicals, artificial flavorings, and artificial colorings are to be avoided as much as possible. Sugar is a big skin destroyer. It is in almost everything, therefore, check food labels. If you are eating 80-90% of your foods natural and fresh, you will start seeing a dramatic difference in your skin almost overnight,

Best Skincare Products For Aging

All this tight-skin food has fewer calories than a bag of dry crepey skin-causing chips! Load up!

1. Create A Healthy Nutrition Plan 

Eat A Diet Rich In Antioxidants and Protein

According to the dietary guidelines for Americans, it is recommended to eat 5-13 servings of vegetables and fruits daily. This is equivalent to 2 ½ to 6 ½ cups of greens and fruit combined per day. Many people who have crepey skin do not eat as healthy as they should, and if they do, they are not getting enough protein, Many vegetarians and vegans have more occurrences of crepey skin due to a lack of protein in their diet and the over-consumption of starchy carbohydrates. Increasing the protein in your diet helps the body to produce more collagen. Collagen is an important building block for the skin. It makes up to 30% of the protein in our body and 70% of the protein within our skin. Collagen helps our skin stay toned and supple. The dermis, which provides the foundation for the skin, is closely involved in the skin’s elasticity and flexibility and is the main source of collagen in the skin. Getting an adequate amount of collagen helps to ensure our skin looks glowing.

Vegetable & Fruit Intake. Many people don’t eat enough fruits and vegetables daily. They eat more carbs. For example, the RDA recommends 7-9 servings of vegetables and fruits daily. A serving is a cup. Are you eating this much daily? Why do you need them? Because they are the only foods that have healing properties (besides protein). They are loaded with antioxidants. Antioxidants are like ‘security guards’ or your body’s natural ” weapons “. They help fight all the toxins, germs, and invaders that want to destroy your body. If you are not getting enough, your body doesn’t have anything to fight with leaving your skin in dire condition, dry, flaky, wrinkled, and aged. Eat Skin Tightening Fats. 



Best Skincare Products For Aging

Want a tasty breakfast idea? Try avocado toast and top with an egg! Protein helps to stimulate collagen production and firm your skin. Healthy fats help to give your skin elasticity and tightness.

Eat Healthy Fats. A really enjoyable crepe skin remedy that tastes good is making sure you get enough healthy fat. Your body needs fat. But not the bad kind. The bad kind of fat comes from processed vegetables and man-made synthetic oils like trans fats, hydrogenated oil, saturated oils, palm oils, etc. They are found in most junk and processed foods. Don’t think that if you don’t eat at fast food joints you are not eating bad fat. Most restaurants use bad fat. They buy food products from manufacturers and they are always trying to cut back on the cost to the consumer. They have to keep your meals cheap so you will want to come back. How can they do this? Well, they certainly will not make food with the best products because they are more expensive. Cut out eating out so much if you do. Your skin will thank you/1

Best Skincare Products For Aging

According to medical physicians and dermatologists, the main cause of most illnesses and medical conditions is a lack of hydration. People SAY they drink enough water, but in reality, they don’t. Realize that if you are taking medications, they tend to dehydrate you. Make sure you get at least 64 ounces of fresh, clean water daily and more if you are active. Water flushes out toxins that make your skin crepey.

2. Hydration Is EXTREMELY Important

Drink lots of water. Most people don’t keep their bodies hydrated enough; internally and externally. Internally, everyone should drink at least ½ their body weight in ounces, or at least 8, 8-ounce glasses of water or 64 ounces consistently. Given that our bodies are made up of more than 50% water, it probably comes as no surprise that good ol’ H20 is one of the most important energy sources for your body. We lose water in large amounts every single day and these fluids need to be replenished regularly, but here’s the catch—simply drinking water means that it will reach other parts of your body before it reaches your skin. Sure, re-hydrating your body is just as important as re-hydrating your skin (there’s no arguing that fact), but applying lost hydration directly to your skin is crucial for the sake of its health and appearance. Let’s explore how proper hydration can directly impact your body.

Best Skincare Products For AgingThe Importance of Hydration for Your Skin

Of course, your skin needs proper hydration just as much as your body. Why? The answer is simple–just like any other part of your body, your skin is an organ (the largest in our bodies, in fact) that requires adequate hydration to perform at its best.

Keeping your skin properly hydrated can help:

  • Slow the aging process. Well, not every aspect of the aging process, but at least the visible signs of premature aging. Staying well hydrated can help maintain your skin’s elasticity and combat the appearance of those dreaded wrinkles.
  • Improve the appearance of your skin. This one goes hand-in-hand with the point above. It probably comes as no surprise, but a lack of hydration can make your skin look dry, flaky, and tight. Not only does keeping skin moisturized help it appear more plump and supple, but it also helps address surface dullness by combating the buildup of dead skin cells.
  • Rid your skin of toxins. When properly hydrated, your skin takes on a more radiant-looking glow. Unfortunately, the same can’t be said for skin that’s lacking in the hydration department. That’s because your skin can’t rid itself of toxins without adequate hydration, resulting in irritation and inflammation.
  • Fight oil and acne. While it may seem counterintuitive at first, dehydrated skin sends signals to the glands to produce more oil as a defense mechanism of sorts. By keeping skin well hydrated, it becomes less oily and acne tends to be less aggravated.
Best Skincare Products For Aging

Alcohol kills YOUR STEM CELLS! Yes, that’s right! That’s why people who drink look older than those who don’t. If you have to drink alcohol, drink organic red wine with less alcohol content. Red wine from red grapes has antioxidants. But remember, it’s the alcohol that ruins your skin.

Avoid Dehydrating Drinks and Food

What is Dehydration? 

Dehydration is when the human body is not getting enough water as it should or as it needs. The amount of water entering the body should be greater, compared to the amount of water leaving the body. It can occur in certain levels from mild to severe dehydration. Also, depending on your health, your cells may not be absorbing water at the rate that it should. This can improve over time if you are consistent with eating the right amount of protein, healthy fats, and protein. Your skin can become thin, dry, and flaky due to dehydration, AND due to eating and drinking foods that dehydrate you.

What are dehydrating drinks and food? Here are a few:

1) Foods high in sugar and processed foods. Examples include donuts, muffins, candy bars, ice cream and even whole grains like bread, pasta, and rice are all dehydrating. This is because to break down sugar, the body uses a lot of water. As I said in the video, yet another reason why it’s smart to get your carbohydrates from veggies and fruit!

2) Alcohol. Alcohol can dehydrate your skin. If you do choose to have alcohol, make sure you drink a cup or two of water for each drink.

Reverse Wrinkles Naturally

Strength training tones, firms, and creates a sexy, youthful body! No matter your age, it’s never too late to start! Grab a couple of light dumbbells and start. Read some of my other articles on the best exercises to tighten your abs, thighs, and total body.


Exercise & Strength Training

It is important to incorporate a regular aerobic exercise routine such as walking, running, riding a bike, or doing pool exercises. Exercise helps with overall health and it’s your overall health that reflects to you through your skin. Skin that is dry, dull, and lacking luster, is not only caused by dehydration but can be caused by a decrease in bone and muscle mass. Muscles and bone is what your entire body is made of, especially your face. Making sure you regularly exercise helps to stimulate blood flow, increases oxygen in the body resulting in better-looking skin, and helps you utilize the food you eat better.

Part of your exercise routine should include strength training or what is called resistance training. You can do this with free weights (including barbells, dumbbells, and hand weights), weight machines, or resistance bands. Many gyms are set up to help members easily perform every muscle group in a circuit. If you choose to join a gym, make sure you get training on how to use all the machines. Many gyms provide this training complementary upon signing up.

If you don’t want to join a formal gym, you can research YouTube videos and DVDs that can help you with specific exercise routines in the comfort of your home. You can attend classes in private studios or at your community parks and recreation center.


Reverse Wrinkles Naturally

Strength training helps to tighten your skin. It helps your body make growth hormone which is your youth hormone. It’s a form of anti-aging. It also helps your body to make more collagen so that your skin can become firm, tight, smooth, and younger-looking.

Getting Started

Make sure you have checked with your doctor about what type of exercises you can do based on your current health status. You must consider any joint and other physical conditions and medical illnesses you have that exercise can impact. Always start by doing a small amount of strength training and exercise 2-3 times per week for 30 minutes. This will give your body a chance to get used to the activity. Soon, your body will build up endurance and you will be able to do more. When using free weights, make sure you have someone who can watch you perform the exercise. Doing the exercise correctly is very important to avoid injury. Light-resistant bands are a great way to start resistant training because they are gentler on the muscles and joints. A great set of resistant bands to start with are called Therapy Bands. These are similar to the ones that physical therapists use. Resistant training can be done in a swimming pool as well. You can purchase weights used for swimming at any sports equipment store. Most importantly, strength training helps to tighten your skin. It helps your body make growth hormone which is your youth hormone. It’s a form of anti-aging. It also helps your body to make more collagen so that your skin can become firm, tight, smooth, and younger-looking.

Reverse Wrinkles Naturally

Crepey skin can be reversed! Depending on the severity of your crepey skin will determine how long it will take. That’s why using the best product for crepey skin like Tighten’ Up will STOP crepey skin from advancing and getting worse while it starts to reverse the process.

Can Your Crepey Skin Be Reversed? 

Reversing crepey skin is tricky. It depends on many factors such as diet, hydration levels, and non-smoking. Don’t give up on your skin or your beauty, It can sometimes take two to three months and some cases up to six months for your skin to become renewed. Be Patient and be vigilant about your skin. In a year from now, you will be so glad you did. Erasing or reversing crepey skin is influenced by age as well. The older you are the slower your skin cell turnover rate.

Here is a Skin Turnover Range:

  • Babies: 14 Days for skin regeneration
  • Teenagers: 21-28 Days for skin regeneration
  • Experienced Bio-age 35-50 Persons: 28-42 Days for skin regeneration
  • Super Experienced Bio-age 50 and Older: 42-84 Days

Reverse Wrinkles Naturally

Research has shown that crepey skin, over time, improving all factors such as diet, exercise, and overall health, along with research-based skin care ingredients, can improve. When researching ingredients for my skincare line, Skin Tight Naturals, I knew that it had to be good! I wanted something better than what is on the market now. My customers deserved more. They deserve the best product with the best natural and organic ingredients.

Reverse Wrinkles Naturally




Why I Created Tighten’ Up Moisturizing Total Body Crepey Skin Cream

I was introduced to Luxury Living when I worked with Penguin Books and Nike, Inc. who both generously booked my travel arrangements with the Ritz Carlton. It became my Home away from home with luxurious surroundings; elite bath and skin care products, private concierge, and private drivers. I felt so special and most importantly it allowed me to rest and recover so that I could be ready for my appearances, seminars, photo shoots, and presentations stress-free.  I learned that if you want to be your best, you need the best.

I want to share that experience with you. And I want you to enjoy it.  You don’t have to pay extra for the advertising and big corporate expenses you pay for when you buy other luxury products.

I want you to feel like royalty when you step out into your world with beautiful luxurious skin.  My luxury brand has been created with pure elements and high-grade ingredients that deliver camera-ready beautiful skin. They are designed to help your skin renew and improve from the moment you use them and continue to improve year after year. It is a grand gesture to toss my hat into the Luxury Brand Ring, but I am confident you will be amazed at the quality of each specially designed product.


It does exactly as the label states: SMOOTHS, FIRMS & TIGHTENS  Crepey Skin.

The Best Tightening, Firming, and Lifting Crepey Skin Cream that is specifically formulated to target crepey skin on your face, neck chest, and body. It is formulated with naturally potent ingredients that repair your skin and reveal visibly smoother, firmer, tighter, and youthful-looking skin.

Comes in a 4 oz.  White Cosmetic Jar 

Suggested UseApply liberally to any area of your face body where the skin has lost its elasticity. Continued daily use for 30 days presents the best results.
It is ideal for improving saggy skin plus it’s Perfect for Before During and After Weight Loss and Pregnancy.

Scientifically proven Ingredients are combined with NATURAL AND BIO-AVAILABLE elements to bring you the best ingredients that are shown to tighten, brighten and firm skin crepey skin.



Martha S. Surdam
5.0 out of 5 stars – Amazing Results
This cream is amazing. I saw the difference immediately, but after using it for a few months the results are incredible.
75 people found this helpful
Mountain Girl
5.0 out of 5 stars – This Product Really Has Worked For Me
This product really has worked for me. I saw a difference in just a couple of days. My skin is very dry, especially during the winter months. Tighten’ Up has actually helped with the crepey and “ashy” feeling that you get when your skin is flaky from being too dry. I use it at night and first thing in the morning.
88 people found this helpful
Amazon Customer
5.0 out of 5 stars –  It got here in good shape and I have been using it barely over …
I am loving this. It got here in good shape and I have been using it barely over a week and am already seeing results. No joke. I had a baby six weeks ago and needed something to help tighten up the skin around my belly button and lower belly. It has been working amazingly! Going to continue using this <3
37 people found this helpful


Reverse Wrinkles Naturally

Researchers have found that massaging these ingredients in many cream forms directly on the body can increase the amount of collagen the skin produces in a shorter period, that is what makes your skin tight, a Clinical trial using the elements produced these results:

  • Reduction in sagging skin
  • Reduction in crepey skin texture
  • Reduction in wrinkle depth
  • Reduction in stretch mark lines
  • Increase in skin tone
  • Models, athletes, and precious users are seeing these results
  • Restores extremely rough crepey wrinkled dry skin.
  • Incredibly visible results in thirty days
  • Powerful fruit acid rejuvenation properties 
  • With regular use, your skin renews collagen and becomes tighter and firmer. It works even better when you use it while you work, eat a healthy good skin diet, and stay hydrated by drinking water regularly.

Our TIGHTEN’ UP saturates your skin with highly effective fruit extracts and nourishing organic shea butter producing dewy, glowing, and nourished skin. Light and fresh for all skin types, this deeply penetrating and absorbing lotion is perfect for when you are dieting and want to prevent loose, sagging, or wrinkled skin.

Here are just a few powerful rejuvenating ingredients in these effective results creating the formula. There are over seven more!

Organic Shea Butter

  • Moisturizing: The concentration of natural vitamins and fatty acids in Shea butter makes it incredibly nourishing and moisturizing for the skin. It is often used to remedy dry skin and to help protect the skin’s natural oils.
  • Reduces Inflammation: A 2010 study found that due to its cinnamic acid and other natural properties, shea butter was anti-inflammatory. (source) One compound, in particular, lupeol cinnamate, was found to reduce skin inflammation and even potentially help avoid skin mutations. This also makes it beneficial for some people with acne.
  • Skin Smoothing: Shea butter aids in the skin’s natural collagen production and contains oleic, stearic, palmitic, and linolenic acids that protect and nourish the skin to prevent drying. With long-term use, many people report skin softening and strengthening as well as wrinkle reduction.

Citrullus Vulgaris (Watermelon) Fruit Extract

Highly purified watermelon extract (citrulluslanatus). Watermelon plants have their own defense system by producing solutes that protect the cells against drought, heat & UV rays by a DNA-protecting mechanism. Clear yellowish liquid, a faint odor. Preserved with phenoxyethanol 0.95%, sodium benzoate 0.3%, and potassium sorbate 0.14%. Soluble in water.

There are over twenty additional skin-improving ingredients that are high-grade in this revolutionary formula. Get yours today. You will be so glad you did!
Reverse Wrinkles Naturally

About the product:
  • TIGHTEN UP! TONE, FIRM, and TIGHTEN Your Crepe Skin with the LUCIOUS NEW SILKY CREAM – Bat wings, turkey neck, saggy post-baby belly? Tired of the skin on your arms waving when you wave your hand? So was I … This formula for me is personal! I had some loose excess skin after a sixty-plus pound weight loss. I used several different creams to firm my skin up. Now you can get everyone plus twelve more in this yummy cream. It smells like vanilla.
  • SMOOTH FACE, FIRM NECK, NEW SKIN NEW CONFIDENCE – The skin on your body needs specific elements to firm it up and restore its healthy muscle tone appearance. This luxury cream has all of them combined in one formula. You can erase time and feel confident with your arms and legs showing, This is a Brand New Concept in skin care. It’s very concentrated. It comes in a compact container, so you don’t need very much, but you must be consistent.
  • DERMATOLOGIST GRADE INGREDIENTS THAT, FIRM TIGHTEN & REPAIR LOSE  SKIN ON YOUR FACE NECK DECOLLETE & ALL OVER YOUR ENTIRE BODY: Super-concentrated potent formulation of highly active ingredients that penetrate deeply into your skin cells to restructure, restore, regenerate and, rejuvenate loose sagging skin. Our skin-showing models love the instant smoothing effect, silkiness, and firming results.
  • Exclusive blend of skin-restoring high-grade ingredients, plant extracts, and organic elements that help promote healthy collagen, and improve elastin for firmness and skin cell regeneration for smoothness and tightness. Perfect for Before During and After Weight Loss and Pregnancy. It feels heavenly. It’s rich, in silk and nourishes your skin back to life.
  • RESTORING SKIN TIGHTENER – With regular use OF TIGHTEN UP age spots fade, wrinkles diminish, collagen production is boosted, and your skin is left tighter, smoother, and firmer. The best part is, that the longer you use it, the better your skin appears. TIGHTEN UP regenerates the (structure) of your skin. We offer a no-risk 100% money-back guarantee. Nothing to lose but wrinkles. 

Reverse Wrinkles Naturally

The results of our models, camera professionals, and raving fans worldwide confirm that you too will see and feel the difference high-quality skin care at an affordable price can make. Start with one special moisturizer or my favorite, Renew Eye Gel With Vitamin C. It is truly incredible. Be very careful when you pump it, tap it very gently because with all of my products, it is highly concentrated and you only need a tiny bit. It has no fillers, or additives and is cruelty-free.

Now it is YOUR turn! Start your beautiful luxury wrinkle-free journey today. Order your jar here!


Victoria Johnson

Celebrity Trainer,

Best Selling Author,

Skin Care & Supplement Designer

My Luxury Beauty Line Includes:

Skin Tightener Tri-Peptide – Tightening, Hydrating, Plumping, Firming
Sculpting Face Cream with Plant Stem Cells – Advanced Stem Cell Technology
Shae Butter Extreme Body Cream – Body, Neck, Decolette’
Firming Face, Neck & Chin Lotion – Smooths Lines & Wrinkles
Advanced Lighten & Brighten – Perfecting Skin Cream with Kojic Acid

Reverse Wrinkles Naturally


Reverse Wrinkles Naturally

Reverse Wrinkles Naturally

Reverse Wrinkles Naturally

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