Dry Skin Remedies

Dry Skin Remedies

Dry Skin Remedies

Dry Skin Remedies

7 Tips To Prevent Dry, Crepey Skin & Look Forever Young!

Dry Skin Remedies

Doesn’t it feel horrible to look in the mirror and see your youth fading away faster with each passing year? Are regular creams, serums, and moisturizers doing NOTHING for your sagging under-eye pouches and dark shadows, drooping cheeks, and double chin? Learn what works to stop crepey skin in its tracks so you can look younger again! Keep reading…


Start Today to look youthful again & feel amazing! Correct all the age ‘giveaways’ (sagging cheeks, neck, the skin under your eyes, and your hands)! Look great for the holidays and feel confident and beautiful! 

Dry Skin Remedies

Is your neck looking like a Thanksgiving turkey? Tired of the “wobble, wobble”? It’s time for a solution to crepey, sagging, drooping skin forever! Learn these simple steps to start looking as young as you feel. In the meantime, BLACK FRIDAY THRU CYBER MONDAY DEALS ARE ON NOW! 20% SAVINGS INSTANTLY on EVERYTHING WHEN YOU USE CODE: VBSBFDAY at check out. Click here for instant deals!

QUESTION (3) copy

Hello Queen Victoria!

Omg! Thank you so much for all the goodness and the amazing skincare advice you give to everyone! You are the best. I started using some of your products a couple of years ago when your products first appeared on the scene and I have to say, I was highly impressed. I began using your facial cleanser and pore reducer, then I started drinking your Skinny Detox Tea which helped me shed over 50 pounds! I get your newsletters all the time, but I have to admit that I don’t always have the time to read them. I’m apologizing for this, but most sincerely, I am so impressed with all of your amazing products that I am not sure which one will correct my immediate concern. My skin is becoming extremely dry lately. I know age plays a role in your skin becoming dry, but it is to the point where I have to saturate my skin in lotion. Using a lotion is one thing, but is there something that I can saturate my skin with that will help me look younger, and reduce the dry, crepey skin you get under on your face, around your arms, on your neck, and around your eyes? I will be so ever grateful if you can lead me to a few dry skin remedies that will help give my skin radiance and a more youthful look.

Sincerely ~ Jolene

As a celebrity professional trainer, I'm always on camera. I know how it feels to have so many skin imperfections that skin care professionals don't know what to do for me. I've had dark spots, acne and acne scars, blemishes, and sagging skin with weight loss. I know how it feels. You are not alone! The good news...there's something you can do to look amazing, look younger, and correct your skin. Read more...

Hi Jolene,

Thank you so much for your email today. I also thank you so much for appreciating my newsletters and using my tea to help you in your transformation…OMG! Losing 50 pounds is a huge accomplishment! You did it, sister girlfriend! To answer your question about dry skin remedies and tips on how to prevent dry, crepey skin. Dry, crepey skin can be very uncomfortable and unsightly and can lead to more serious conditions if not prevented or stopped.  Dry, crepey skin cannot be ignored. Dry skin leads to cracking of the upper layer of skin and gives it a really bad appearance. The main causes of dry skin include dry climate, hormonal changes, too much exfoliation, and treatment of other skin disorders. Moreover, dryness could be the inherent nature of one’s skin. Whatever the cause, dry skin care is very important (but not very difficult). It is essential to treat dry, crepey skin with the right products. My lasted skin care miracle is, Tighten Up! Tighten Up helps you to TONE, FIRM, and TIGHTEN Your Crepe Skin with the most LUCIOUS NEW SILKY CREAM! My clients LOVE IT! You can use it anywhere. Who has time for bat wings, a turkey neck, saggy post-baby belly? Tired of the skin on your arms waving when you wave your hand? So was I … This formula for me is personal! I had some loose excess skin after a sixty-plus pound weight loss. I used several different creams to firm my skin up. Now you can get everyone plus twelve more in this yummy cream! You will love the results! Keep reading and watch the amazing anti-cellulite video testimony!  In addition to using Tighten Up, apply the following 7  tips to keep your crepey skin free forever! Before beginning the tips, learn about crepey skin first. Also, you can watch my YOUTUBE video on Tighten Up Too! 

Dry Skin Remedies

Lines and wrinkles make you look tired and sick! Imagine if, with a few changes, you can look 10 years younger! Read how this can happen to you!

What Is Dry, Crepey Skin?

Crepey skin is your body’s response to low levels of elastin and collagen. These are proteins in your skin that allow your skin to stretch and contract. As you enter your 30s, protein production in your skin begins to drop, resulting in thinner skin that will eventually begin to droop, sag, and wrinkle. On parts of your body where the skin is constantly being stretched and pulled, dry crepey skin is more likely to form.

Dry Skin Remedies

Your skin doesn’t have to look like a road map! Over 15 ingredients help to soften, smooth, and radically transform your crepey skin to smoother, more youthful skin.

What Causes Dry, Crepey Skin?


There are several reasons why a person’s skin becomes dry and crepey. The number one reason is dehydration. Your body requires a certain amount of water each day and when it doesn’t get it, it starts to retract and become dry, brittle, and wrinkled. Most people who are not active find they are not thirsty. They also think that drinking coffee, tea, beer, soda, and juice is the same as drinking water. This is not true. Drinks that have caloric value are considered food and is processed differently in your body than pure, fresh water. Water is needed in every system in your body. Water regulates your hormones, helps to keep your blood pressure normal, your lungs working at full capacity, and your nervous system responding properly to brain signals. Your cells play a role in hydration also. Healthy cells can pull in water and release water quickly and efficiently. As cells age, their ability to do this is decreased. Dehydration can be happening at a cellular level.

What is Cellular Dehydration?

Cellular dehydration is caused when your cells no longer process water efficiently. Your cells are like people. They let water in and let water out. This process is called cellular respiration. As you age, the ability for your cells to process water slowly deteriorates. The ability of your cells to use water effectively is also determined by the type of fluids you drink. Coffee, tea, soda, and juice and other liquids you drink that have calories, have ingredients that cause a diuretic effect. Diuretics make your body release water. So, if you’re drinking tons of coffee during the day, soda pop, tea, and juice, your body isn’t able to get enough water. Water is the source of life. Without we all would perish. The best way to get your cells to respond better and help your body to be hydrated is to drink pure, fresh, water.

Dry Skin Remedies

Veggies is Queen/King! Challenge yourself to eat veggies at lunch and dinner! OMG! Your skin will look clearer with a natural glow and you’ll have more energy! Read more on what else helps to get rid of crepey skin…

You Are What You Eat! – Certain Foods Cause Crepey Skin

Though this saying is cliche, it’s true. If you eat dehydrating foods, your skin will be and look dehydrated. What are dehydrated foods? Foods that have a lot of preservatives. These preservatives are often loaded with salt and salt or sodium is a natural dehydration culprit. Salt was used in the early American settlements before refrigeration to keep foods like meat fresh. It was used in canning and preserving foods to last during the long, cold, snowy winters. Food hasn’t changed much since early times. It just has gotten worse. Many of the chemicals in processed foods to make them taste good, prevent our body from absorbing water.

Dry Skin Remedies

Foods like chips, crackers, cereal, cookies, candy, fries, foods with tons of fat and sodium; nachos, burgers, and donuts. A diet too acidic (caused by eating foods that cause acid in your system) and does not have enough alkaline foods (these are foods that heal your body) will cause dry, crepey skin.

Dry Skin Remedies

Unprotected Sun Exposure

Tanning is one of the most expensive American pastimes. Why expensive? Because of all the money, you will have to spend on dermatology visits and skincare products to get rid of your overly sun-exposed problem skin. Dark spots, uneven skin tone, skin cancer and more are due to not protecting your skin while in the sun or overexposure to the sun. You may use creams that protect you from UV light, but it may not be enough.

Dry Skin Remedies

Smoking is a real youth killer! If you don’t smoke…good for you! If you do, quit or at least get back. Smoking doubles your age. Yep, this habit has to go!


Smoking is another reason why your skin could be dry and crepey. Experts say there are over 4,000 different chemical compounds in a cigarette and many of them you will find in your weed-and-feed, glue, nail polish remover, ammonia that causes asthma, formaldehyde used in embalming dead bodies, and more. All of these chemicals harm your cells and your cell’s capacity to utilize water.

Dry Skin Remedies

The goal is to look beautiful at any age! Just think, in 30 days of using these tips, you can look younger, have fewer wrinkles, and turn back the clock!

Fair Skin

The lighter your skin, the more prone you are to dry, crepey skin. Darker-skinned people experience less dry, crepey skin because they have more melanin. Melanin is a substance derived from certain cells in your body. The more melanin your skin has, the more it is protected against damaging UV light. Your genetics dictate the amount of melanin your skin produces. Fair skin has less melanin, therefore, less protection from the sun’s damaging rays. Fair skin is also thinner skin and prone to wrinkling quicker.

7 Tips To Prevent Dry, Crepey Skin & Look Forever Young!Dry Skin Remedies

Omg!!! Water helps skincare products work better!!! I hate the taste of water! Yuk! But, I drink at least a gallon daily! How do I do it? I infuse my water with fresh fruit like lemon, lime, and berries. I sometimes add a little stevia to my water for a natural sweetness. Crepey skin is lacking hydration so drink up!

Tip # 1 – Drink More Water

Now that you know the importance of drinking water, create a water drinking schedule that can fit in with your lifestyle. drinking at least 64 ounces of water daily is great to start, and of course, drink more if you exercise regularly.  If you don’t like the taste of water, add a few lemon or lime slices to your water. These fruits are acidic on the outside of your body, but alkaline on the inside and will help repair skin cells with their powerful antioxidants and phytochemicals. If you can’t remember to drink water during the day because you are so busy, there are some cool apps you can download on your phone to help remind you to drink the clear stuff!

Dry Skin Remedies

Tip # 2 – Fire Your Old Diet…Today! 

They should have written a song about carbs being a girl’s best friend, not diamonds! Ha! I think a woman would trade her diamonds for carbs if she is hungry enough! Putting humor aside, it is really important that you cut down on starchy carbs like bread, pasta, crackers and all junk foods. Make them a once-in-a-while-indulgence. Eat more green veggies, protein, and fresh low-glycemic fruit. Foods that are still alive, like green veggies and fruits, will help our skin tighten and reverse dry, crepey skin faster. Eating this way will also help skincare products absorb into your skin better and work at an accelerated rate.

Dry Skin Remedies

Tip # 3 – Stay Sun Protected But Get Your ‘Ds”

Laying out and enjoying the sun feels amazing, but make sure you keep your sun goddess sun worshiping to a limit and make sure you protect your skin from the unhealthy, skin-damaging UV rays from the sun. You need vitamin D big time, so take a supplement daily. Vitamin D is important for calcium and magnesium to enter your bones. Healthy bones help to increase healthy muscles which help to tone and tighten your body. You will look healthier and younger when your lean mass (bone and muscle weight) is increased. Women freak out when they hear this. But, if you increase your lean mass you can have a younger-looking face with fewer wrinkles.

Dry Skin Remedies

Your skin doesn’t have to feel like an Arizona desert! Keep reading to find solutions.

Tip # 4 – Avoid Extreme Temperatures

Dry, crepey skin is worsened by extreme temperatures like wind and cold in the winter and tons of air-conditioning in the summer. These conditions can cause dry, chapped, wrinkled, crepey skin. It’s almost impossible to avoid, so making sure the next tips are incorporated will ensure more beautiful wrinkle-free, moisture-rich skin. 

Dry Skin Remedies

Tip # 5 – Moisturize, Moisturize, Moisturize!

Dry skin care starts with moisturizers, the most effective remedy for dry skin. Generally, moisturizers are classified under 2 categories based on the way they provide dry skin care. The first category includes moisturizers that provide dry skin care just by preserving the moisture within the skin e.g. Vaseline. These moisturizers are relatively inexpensive and are readily available (even at grocery stores). The second category includes moisturizers that work by drawing moisture from the environment and supplying it to the skin. This is a very effective way of dry skin care in humid conditions. The moisturizers that provide dry skin care in this way are also called humectants. For proper dry skin care, you must use a non-greasy type of moisturizer. Choose a moisturizer that contains ingredients like hyaluronic acid, because hyaluronic acid is known to help your skin pull in 100x more moisture from the environment and from the water you drink so that your skin looks young, plump, and dewy.

Dry Skin Remedies

Tip # 6 -Glycolic Acid A Skin Miracle Worker

Glycolic acid helps your skin restore its pH balance so that your skin can experience increased moisture, as well as high levels of free acid.  The best products integrate antioxidants such as Vitamin A, C, E, and fruit extracts that fight damaged skin caused by factors in the environment. Glycolic acid and transfer water moisture from the environment into your skin! How cool is that? Way cool! It can exfoliate your skin naturally. It is like getting a $200 chemical peel every day without the expense, time, and pain (chemicals can be painful, ouch!) The products available that state they include glycolic acid may range in the percent of concentration and also PH levels. Products that contain glycolic acid along with other natural skin healing and wrinkle-freeing substances are the best to purchase. Organic skincare lines are best when choosing your skin care products because they contain ingredients that can also make sure glycolic acid is absorbed in maximum levels. Dry Skin Remedies

Tip # 7 –  Embrace Watermelon Extract

Watermelon may be a high glycemic index fruit, but it can have a huge impact on the quality of your skin. It is filled with tons of water so it makes your skin able to absorb water and moisture better. As we get older our skin becomes thinner and less able to recover from damage. Our body is full of ‘free radicals’ that damage cells over time and can be attributed to the cause of aging skin. Watermelon is full of antioxidants such as lycopene and also vitamins C and A which help reduce these free radicals that can slow down the signs of aging. The consumption of Vitamin A can encourage the growth of collagen and elastin cells that help your skin stay young and supple.Dry Skin Remedies

BONUS TIP #1  – Become An Organic Shea Butter Queen Like Cleopatra 

Dry Skin Remedies

Cleopatra, the world’s most renowned queen on the planet, used shea butter to create seductively soft, wrinkle-free skin. To have radiant, youthful, dry, and crepey-free skin living in Egypt, one of the driest countries on earth, is a miracle alone. Cleo had a secret that her adversaries didn’t know about and it is shea butter. Shea butter can:

  • Moisturize: The concentration of natural vitamins and fatty acids in Shea butter makes it incredibly nourishing and moisturizing for the skin. It is often used to remedy dry skin and to help protect the skin’s natural oils.
  • Reduces Inflammation: A 2010 study found that due to its cinnamic acid and other natural properties, shea butter was anti-inflammatory. (source) One compound in particular, lupeol cinnamate, was found to reduce skin inflammation and even potentially help avoid skin mutations. This also makes it beneficial for some people with acne.
  • Smooth Your Skin: Shea butter aids in the skin’s natural collagen production and contains oleic, stearic, palmitic, and linolenic acids that protect and nourish the skin to prevent drying. With long-term use, many people report skin softening and strengthening as well as wrinkle reduction.

BONUS TIP #2 – Be Gentle With Your Skin

Dry, crepey skin shrieks damage! Start incorporating a self-love, self-skin-healing ritual that is easy, affordable, and is worth the investment of your time. Taking a bath saturated with emollient, moisture-enriching soaps and additives that can hydrate and moisturize your skin is one way to pamper your skin and reverse dry, crepey skin.

BONUS TIP #3 – Choose Natural or Organic Skincare Products

When choosing products to improve dry, crepey skin, make sure that the products will help neutralize your skin’s natural pH level, and are a non-detergent product like most soaps. Use Moisturizers that can exfoliate and hydrate your skin and are extremely gentle. I’ve worked with celebrities for years and they are into anti-aging big time. They will not put a product on their face or body unless they know for sure it will give them this main result: Clear, younger, wrinkle-free skin. They all get professional skin care procedures and this is okay as long as a maintenance product can help the procedure last longer. If it can, then it’s a go, baby!

Tired of crazy wrinkles under your eyes that make you looker older, folds and wrinkles around your mouth, and on your neck? Do you feel way too young for the body you currently have? Then it’s time to TIGHTEN UP!


It does exactly as the label states: SMOOTHS, FIRMS & TIGHTENS  Crepey Skin.

The Best Tightening, Firming, and Lifting Crepey Skin Cream that is specifically formulated to target crepey skin on your face, neck chest and body. It is formulated with naturally potent ingredients that repair your ski to and reveal visibly smoother, firmer, tighter and youthful-looking skin.

Comes in a 4 oz.  White Cosmetic Jar 

Suggested UseApply liberally to any area of your face body where the skin has lost its elasticity. Continued daily use for 30 days presents the best results.
It is ideal for improving saggy skin plus it’s Perfect for Before During and After Weight Loss and Pregnancy.

Scientifically proven Ingredients are combined with NATURAL AND BIO-AVAILABLE elements to bring you the best ingredients that are shown to tighten, brighten, and firm skin crepey skin.

Researchers have found that massaging these ingredients in many cream forms directly on the body can increase the amount of collagen the skin produces in a shorter period, which is what makes your skin tight, Clinical trials using the elements produced these results:

  • Reduction in sagging skin
  • Reduction in crepey skin texture
  • Reduction in wrinkle depth
  • Reduction in stretch mark lines
  • Increase in skin tone
  • Models, athletes, and precious users are seeing these results
  • Restores extremely rough crepey wrinkled dry skin.
  • Incredibly visible results in thirty days
  • Powerful fruit acid rejuvenation properties 
  • With regular use, your skin renews collagen and becomes tighter and firmer. It works even better when you use it while you work, eat a healthy good skin diet, and stay hydrated by drinking water regularly.

Our TIGHTEN’ UP saturates your skin with highly effective fruit extracts and nourishing organic shea butter producing dewy, glowing, and nourished skin. Light and fresh for all skin types, this deeply penetrating and absorbing lotion is perfect for when you are dieting and want to prevent loose, sagging or wrinkled skin.

Here are just a few powerful rejuvenating ingredients in this effective results-creating formula. There are over seven more!

Organic Shea Butter

  • Moisturizing: The concentration of natural vitamins and fatty acids in Shea butter makes it incredibly nourishing and moisturizing for the skin. It is often used to remedy dry skin and to help protect the skin’s natural oils.
  • Reduces Inflammation: A 2010 study found that due to its cinnamic acid and other natural properties, shea butter was anti-inflammatory. (source) One compound in particular, lupeol cinnamate, was found to reduce skin inflammation and even potentially help avoid skin mutations. This also makes it beneficial for some people with acne.
  • Skin Smoothing: Shea butter aids in the skin’s natural collagen production and contains oleic, stearic, palmitic, and linolenic acids that protect and nourish the skin to prevent drying. With long-term use, many people report skin softening and strengthening as well as wrinkle reduction.

Citrullus Vulgaris (Watermelon) Fruit Extract

Highly purified watermelon extract (citrulluslanatus). Watermelon plants have their own defense system by producing solutes that protect the cells against drought, heat & UV rays by a DNA-protecting mechanism. Clear yellowish liquid, with a faint odor. Preserved with phenoxyethanol 0.95%, sodium benzoate 0.3%, and potassium sorbate 0.14%. Soluble in water.

There are over twenty additional skin-improving ingredients that are high-grade in this revolutionary formula. Get yours today. You will be so glad you did!




Dry Skin Remedies


Martha S. Surdam
5.0 out of 5 stars – Amazing Results
Verified Purchase
This cream is amazing. I saw the difference immediately, but after using it for a few months the results are incredible.
75 people found this helpful
Mountain Girl
5.0 out of 5 stars – This Product Really Has Worked For Me
Verified Purchase
This product really has worked for me. I saw a difference in just a couple of days. My skin is very dry, especially during the winter months. Tighten’ Up has actually helped with the crepey and “ashy” feeling that you get when your skin is flaky from being too dry. I use it at night and first thing in the morning.
88 people found this helpful
Amazon Customer
5.0 out of 5 stars It got here in good shape and I have been using it barely over …
Verified Purchase
I am loving this. It got here in good shape and I have been using it barely over a week and am already seeing results. No joke. I had a baby six weeks ago and needed something to help tighten up the skin around my belly button and lower belly. It has been working amazingly! Definitely going to continue using this product!
 Dry Skin Remedies
More About the product
  • TIGHTEN UP! TONE, FIRM and TIGHTEN Your Crepe Skin with the LUCIOUS NEW SILKY CREAM – Bat wings, turkey neck, saggy post baby belly? Tired of your skin on your arms wave when you wave your hand? So was I … This formula for me is personal! I had some loose excess skin after a sixty-plus pound weight loss. I used several different creams to firm my skin up. Now you can get everyone plus twelve more in this yummy cream. It smells like vanilla.
  • SMOOTH FACE, FIRM NECK, NEW SKIN NEW CONFIDENCE – The skin on your body needs specific elements to firm it up and restore its healthy muscle tone appearance. This luxury cream has all of them combined in one formula. You can erase time and feel confident with your arms and legs showing, This is a Brand New Concept in skin care. It’s very concentrated. It comes in a compact container, so you don’t need very much, but you must be consistent.
  • DERMATOLOGIST GRADE INGREDIENTS THAT, FIRM TIGHTEN & REPAIR LOSE SKIN ON YOUR FACE NECK DECOLLETE & ALL OVER YOUR ENTIRE BODY: Super-concentrated potent formulation of highly active ingredients that penetrate deeply into your skin cells to restructure, restore, regenerate and, rejuvenate loose sagging skin. Our skin-showing models love the instant smoothing effect, silkiness, and firming results.
  • Exclusive blend of skin-restoring high-grade ingredients, plant extracts, and organic elements that help promote healthy collagen, and improve elastin for firmness and skin cell regeneration for smoothness and tightness. Perfect for Before During and After Weight Loss and Pregnancy. It feels heavenly. It’s rich, in silk and nourishes your skin back to life.
  • RESTORING SKIN TIGHTENER – With regular use OF TIGHTEN UP age spots fade, wrinkles diminish, collagen production is boosted, and your skin is left tighter, smoother, and firmer. The best part is, that the longer you use it, the better your skin appears. TIGHTEN UP regenerates the (structure) of your skin. We offer a no-risk 100% money-back guarantee. Nothing to lose but wrinkles. Get Yours Now!

If you are tired of being tired of dull, droopy, sagging, wrinkled skin, then now is the time for you to start reversing the clock to get younger looking fast!

Click here to order your first jar of Tighten Up! 



Celebrity Trainer

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Skincare & Supplement Designer

Dry Skin Remedies

Dry Skin Remedies


Dry Skin Remedies


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