A Tribute To Tina Turner

5 Healthy Lifestyle Tips for Ageless Beauty And Super-Tight Skin
A Tribute To Tina Turner

A Tribute To Tina Turner

A Tribute To Tina Turner

As a tribute to Tina Turner, we will share how Tina kept her skin tight, firm, and ageless. Keep reading…

A Tribute To Tina Turner

5 Healthy Lifestyle Tips for Ageless Beauty And Super-Tight Skin

On May 24, the world lost music Rock N’Roll icon, Tina Turner. She was known for her powerful voice and non-stop energy on and off the stage. What many love about her the most, outside of her music contribution, is her ageless tips for beauty and health. I feel the best way to give a tribute to Tina Turner is to share just a few of her beauty, health, and lifestyle hacks you can use if you want to have tons of energy and ageless skin like Tina.

Get Your ZZZs

If you want to have a healthy mind and body, including great skin, you have to get enough sleep. In past interviews, Tina claims she shoots for 12 hours of sleep! Many of you can’t get the required 8 hours, so what can you do? Talk to your healthy healthcare professionals about the best methods, supplements, and or medications that can help you get your zzz’s.

Eat Good Food

It can be confusing nowadays to know what is healthy food and what isn’t, but Tina has always stuck to eating foods that you can’t buy in a box. Green leafy vegetables, fresh fruit, and limit saturated fats is what she lived by. Eating healthy food helps improve your skin by providing the necessary nutrients it needs to naturally produce substances like collagen and elastin for smoother, tighter skin.

Limit Alcohol

Tina states she is not a fan of drugs including alcohol. How else is she able to have the energy of an energizer bunny? Alcohol slows down your metabolism and creates sagging skin and lots of wrinkles. If you can reduce your intake or eliminate it completely. There are plenty of non-alcoholic drinks that are healthy you can choose instead.


Tina loved singing and dancing! You don’t have to be a superstar singer or dancer like Tina, but singing and dancing lift your spirits, ignites your soul, and spark a passion for joy and life. Everyone can dance. Believe it or not, you can lose lots of weight, tighten your skin, and look 10 years younger than your friends just by incorporating a dance workout into your day. Can’t stand to dance? There are always dance chair workouts in a chair which are just as good!

Embrace A Natural Lifestyle

Like me, Tina was an advocate of taking a natural approach to life, health, and skin. There are so many natural ingredients in skincare that can help boost your skin’s integrity resulting in tighter, firmer, and smoother-looking skin. For years, I struggled with my skin and was able to conquer problematic skin like acne and hyperpigmentation, and sagging skin after weight loss. What did I do? I used the same ingredients in Tighten’ Up and Slim & Tone to tighten and firm my skin along with fading and preventing stretch marks.

Introducing Victoria’s Skin Tight Naturals Dynamic Duo!

Keep Your Skin Tight While Getting Fit

When I decided to get fit because I was 60 pounds overweight, I knew that I didn’t want to have loose skin which happens to so many people as a result of weight loss. I experimented with different essential oils until I found the ones that worked. All the oils and fruit extracts that helped me tighten the loose skin I was experiencing while losing weight and getting fit are in my “dynamic duo” creams, Slim & Tone and Tighten’ Up!

Slim & Tone Instant Skin Tightening – Skin Firming Formula

Perfect to use with Body Wraps, Includes DIY How-To Guide! Super Concentrated Cellulite Cream Formulation with Structure Building Botanical Materials Gives Your Skin a Tighter, Toned Surface Appearance…

Swim Suit Ready 3 Day Total Body Workout

• Thighs Buttocks Abdomen and Arms

• Detoxifies Fat

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• Enhance Cellular Integrity

• Dead Sea Concentrate

• Lifts, Firms, and Tones!

You can do live your dream and have the life you desire if you get focused, do the work, and stay committed. Do something great this week!

“I really love this cream. I use it as a body wrap and with my waist belt when I work out. To make it even more effective also use their Firm up on my stomach after the slim and tone body warp. I have done it several times now my abs are getting defined!! I have a really good ab routine I do several times a week too.
I feel really good and my metabolism seems to be higher. I am going to do one wrap a week and rub it on my abs, waist, thighs, and butt when I do my hot yoga classes. It’s perfect because my classroom is about 92 degrees just enough to break a good sweat detox.” – Frances

Victoria’s Luxury Tighten’ Up – Instant Firming Total Body Crepey Crepe Skin Cream Made With Pure Ingredients From a Small Batch USA Company You Can Trust!

Scientifically proven ingredients are combined with NATURAL AND BIO-AVAILABLE elements to bring you the best ingredients that are shown to tighten and firm skin crepey skin.

Swim Suit Ready 3 Day Total Body Workout

  • Reduction in sagging skin
  • Reduction in crepey skin texture
  • Reduction in wrinkle depth
  • Reduction in stretch mark lines
  • Increase in skin tone
  • Models, athletes, and precious users are seeing these results
  • Restores extremely rough crepey wrinkled dry skin.
  • Incredibly visible results in thirty days
  • Powerful fruit acid rejuvenation properties
  • With regular use, your skin renews collagen and becomes tighter and firmer. It works even better when you use it while you work out, eat a healthy good skin diet and stay hydrated by drinking water regularly


“I went to my doctor because I was so fatigued and she suggests I change my diet and lose twenty pounds, so I did. I changed my diet and started exercising and she was so smart, I feel so much better and have a lot more energy. Unfortunately, as I started to lose, my skin began getting a little slack. I ordered some Tighten U and started using it on the fine lines on my face and on my arms. I am thrilled with the results. It didn’t make it tight as a drum, but it definitely firmed up the skin so that I train my skin can remain firm as I lose more weight. It’s awesome!” Tonya Parker

Get a free CELLULITE GUIDE and CREPEY SKIN GUIDE with your purchase with diet, DIY body wrapping instructions, and other fitness, and skincare tips! 

With regular use OF TIGHTEN UP  and SLIM & TONE, age spots fade, wrinkles diminish, collagen production is boosted, and your skin is left tighter, smoother, and firmer. The best part is, the longer you use it, the better your skin appears. TIGHTEN UP regenerates the (structure) of your skin. We offer a no-risk 100% money-back guarantee. Nothing to lose but wrinkles. Get Yours Now!

All 10 tips are just a starting point! Keep following my blogsInstagramFacebook, and sign up for my newsletter so you can find out more about how to achieve your ultimate body for 2022.

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Victoria Johnson

Founder of Skin Tight Naturals

Victoria Johnson-Fitness Model with over 20,000 Photo & Video Shoots, Founder of Skin Tight Naturals, a Clinical High-Performance Skin & Health Products Company. Best Selling Fitness & Nutrition Author, Professional Trainer, Endorsed Athlete & Entrepreneur! Live Your Passion, Love Your Skin & Get Fit & Sexy at any age and stage of life!


The Best Skincare Tips for Tightening Crepey Skin

A Tribute To Tina Turner

Tina Turner was known for her powerful voice and non-stop energy on and off the stage. What many love about her the most, outside of her music contribution, is her ageless tips for beauty and health. I feel the best way to give a tribute to Tina Turner is to share just a few of her beauty, health, and lifestyle hacks you can use if you want to have tons of energy and ageless skin like Tina. Keep reading!

A Tribute To Tina Turner

Can you imagine never having cellulite? Crepey skin? Or Sagging loose skin on your face and neck? Check out the goddess of rock n’roll Tina Turner’s top secrets for ageless beauty and super tight skin! Her tips are super easy to follow and you can see results in as little as 30 days or less. Check them out!

A Tribute To Tina Turner

Did you know Grammy Award winner Tina Turner invested 3.2 million dollars to insure her legs? How was she able to keep them looking so firm and tight? Find out these tips and more about how she was able to stay looking ageless throughout the years, her secrets on beauty, and how to have super-tight skin all over your body! Keep reading…



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