Best Skincare Products For Aging

Best Skincare Products For Aging

Best Skincare Products For Aging


Best Skincare Products For Aging

5 Miracles of Glycolic Acid & Why You Need It

Best Skincare Products For Aging

Hi Victoria!

My question today is for my mom. I’ve been using your skincare for a few months and I love it! I shared your website with my mom, but she is not sure which of your amazing products to get. You see, she’s middle age and she doesn’t have a lot of wrinkles, but what she does have is noticeable around her eyes and mouth. She is traveling to Greece this winter and wants something to help eliminate them by this time. Is this possible and which of your products would you recommend?

Thank you,


Best Skincare Products For Aging

Hi Matina!

Thank you for emailing me with your questions and for sharing my products with your mom! Thank you, thank you, thank you! You are such an amazing and caring daughter to take the time to research what will work for your mom’s skincare needs. When it comes to anti-aging, I’ve been in the business long enough to know that it takes a holistic approach, meaning, if you rely only on cosmetics, or skincare products to solve your skincare challenges without considering nutrition or other lifestyle considerations, you are cheating yourself from having the best skin ever! I’ve traveled the world and I discovered some of the most powerful skin ingredients ever that can transform your skin. In this article, I will share with you the best skin care products for aging and why. First, it’s important to know a few things about aging. 

Best Skincare Products For Aging

What Causes of Aging?

Despite all that has been discovered to help curb the aging process, no procedure or product has ever been capable of completely stopping the aging process. This seems to be impossible. The only thing that most procedures can do is to slow down the process or lessen the visible signs of aging.   Aging of the skin is actually caused by too much exposure to the sun as well as the loss of hormones such as testosterone and estrogen. These two processes lead to the oxidation of collagen and the elastin fibers of the skin. The loss of these two substances in the skin will result in dimples on the skin and of course the sagging. 

How Can Prevent Aging?

The best prevention is taking a natural way.  One, of course,  of which is the clichéd, is the importance of eating well and physical activity. However often you cringe at hearing this advice will not change the fact that these two are the primary things that can help you save those skins from sagging.

Best Skincare Products For Aging

Natural Anti-Aging Routines To Slow Down The Aging Process

Eat A Diet Rich In Antioxidants and Protein

Eating fruits and vegetables especially those that are rich in Vitamin C and D will help in keeping the skin supple and moisturized. Foods with anti-oxidants are also helpful as this directly prevents oxidation. According to the dietary guidelines for Americans, it is recommended to eat 5-13 servings of vegetables and fruits daily. This is equivalent to 2 ½ to 6 ½ cups of greens and fruit combined per day. Many people who have crepey skin do not eat as healthy as they should, and if they do, they are not getting enough protein, Many vegetarians an vegans have more occurrences of crepey skin due to a lack of protein in their diet and the over-consumption of starchy carbohydrates. Increasing the protein in your diet helps the body to produce more collagen. Collagen is an important building block for the skin. It makes up to 30% of the protein in our body and 70% of the protein within our skin. Collagen helps our skin stay toned and supple. The dermis, which provides the foundation for the skin, is closely involved in the skin’s elasticity and flexibility, and the main source of collagen in the skin. Getting an adequate amount of collagen help to ensure our skin looks glowing.

Best Skincare Products For Aging

Avoid Dehydrating Drinks and Food

What is Dehydration? 

Dehydration is when the human body is not getting enough water as it should or as it needs. The amount of water entering the body should be greater, compared to the amount of water leaving the body. It can occur in certain levels from mild to severe dehydration. Also, depending on your health, your cells may not be absorbing water at the rate that it should. This can improve over time if you are consistent with eating the right amount of protein, healthy fats, and protein.

Your skin can become thin, dry, and flaky due to dehydration, AND due to eating and drinking foods that dehydrate you.

What are dehydrating drinks and food? Here are a few:

1) Foods high in sugar and processed foods. Examples include donuts, muffins, candy bars, ice cream and even whole grains like bread, pasta, and rice are all dehydrating. This is because to break down sugar, the body uses a lot of water. As I said in the video, yet another reason why it’s smart to get your carbohydrates from veggies and fruit!

2) Alcohol. Alcohol can dehydrate your skin. If you do choose to have alcohol, make sure you drink a cup or two of water for each drink.

Best Skincare Products For Aging

Physical activity. 

Incorporating exercise in your day helps to tighten your skin by toning the muscles and keeping blood circulation going. This means that nutrients and minerals are distributed throughout the body.

Include Strength Training Exercises

Strength training is another crepe skin remedy. Strength training exercises help to promote new healthy skin. It helps your body make collagen the main ingredient to new, young, healthy skin. It helps to tighten your skin, along with providing you with tons of energy. If you are not including strength training exercises in your regime, you need to start today.

Best Skincare Products For Aging

Do Skin Tightening Facial Exercises

A client of mine told me his mother diet at 95 and had ZERO WRINKLES!!! Why, because she did facial exercises all her life. Is it too late if you start today? No! Start at whatever age you are now. Everything counts in healthy living. This may be the most amazing crepe skin remedy of all!

Best Skincare Products For Aging

Best Skincare Products For Aging

5 Miracles of Glycolic Aid & Why You Need It

Why Do The Top High End Anti-Aging Products Include Glycolic Acid In Their Products?

First, we need to get down and dirty on the topic of wrinkles to uncover what truly causes the ghastly lines that show up on your skin. Studies show that wrinkles can be caused by factors ranging from sun damage to even sleeping on your side. The main fact to remember is that no matter what, collagen within the skin is what allows for your skin to stay smooth. By restoring collagen, you can definitively rid yourself of wrinkles.

The beauty industry is always looking to improve the quality of its products so that they become more user-friendly. In recent years, marketing has moved to different plant and vegetation extractions that include immune boosters and anti-aging agents.

Exfoliates – Glycolic acid has the power to exfoliate your skin while under your makeup. It’s not like the regular process of exfoliation cream that has micro beads to help scoff off dead skin cells like you would do after washing your face. It dissolves the skin at a deeper level. It’s what skincare spas and dermatologists use to help people with more severe skin problems. It helps loosen the matrix that holds skin cells together, allowing dead skin cells to slough off more easily. It smooths wrinkles,  This helps your skin feel softer and appear smoother.

Hydrates Skin – Most people are dehydrated and this results in flaky, dry, wrinkled skin. Glycolic acid can pull in moisture from the outside and the H2O from your body to help plump up the skin as it repairs and smooths wrinkles.

Stimulates Collagen – Glycolic acid helps to stimulate collagen. Collagen is a type of protein your body makes naturally. As you age, you make less and less. Collagen molecules are very large making it impossible for it to penetrate the skin. Products that have a high-grade formulation of ingredients that promote the growth of collagen are why high-end skincare products use them. Collagen is what makes your skin tight firm, and new looking. Babies have tons of collagen that’s why their skin is so smooth and soft. We can’t return to being a baby, but we can come close.

Helps improve elasticity – Elasticity is the ability of your skin to retract after weight loss or pregnancy. The ability for your skin to retract without sagging is a miracle of glycol acid. As we age elasticity is lessened. Not only does age play a role, but how you take care of your body, what you eat, or how often you expose your skin to the environment. Elasticity is what prevents your skin from sagging.

Helps To Reduce Wrinkles – Helps to reduce fine lines and signs of premature aging by increasing cell turnover – meaning younger, healthier cells are now visible on the skin’s surface. Glycolic acid helps stimulate the growth of collagen, which is responsible for skin’s elasticity and which breaks down with aging. Glycolic acid can help smooth out fine lines and diminish the appearance of wrinkles.

Does Glycolic Acid Work?

A study conducted by Y. Funasaka and others at the Kobe University School of Medicine in Japan found that the application of glycolic acid was successful in reducing wrinkle length and the number of wrinkles on the face. The study, which was published in the August 2001 “Journal of Dermatological Science” found that those in their 40s and 50s experience the greatest reduction in fine wrinkles. Deep wrinkles were not affected as significantly.

Is Glycolic Acid Safe?

Glycolic acid also can be incorporated into daily facial applications to treat wrinkles, suggests the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Facial washes or moisturizing creams may contain glycolic acid. When applied over time, these can reduce the appearance of wrinkles.

Best Skincare Products For Aging

Additional Benefits – It’s Like Having A Professional Peel Without A Peel Every Eay!

Glycolic acid at the strength used in dermatology and medspas is very strong. It can be irritating, especially for sensitive skin. In Asia, most commonly in Korea, dermatologists use glycolic acid differently. They use milder dosages and see their patients more often. The reason why this methodology is different than Western procedures is due to the ability for the treatments to last longer. Given gradually, the skin can adapt better than overloading the skin with tons of chemicals. Professional grade glycolic acid is also in high-end skincare lines so that patients can maintain their skin and their investment. Chemical peels are expensive, but when glycolic acid is in a skincare product, it is like you are having a mini skincare peel every day!  After traveling to Korea, I found this to be true and took my newfound knowledge and made sure to include this in my skincare line. Firming your skin during the day is one thing, but at night is even better! Why? Because this is the time your skin is healing and rejuvenating. Introducing an amazing night-time skin-firming treatment that you can use today that can help you have amazing skin tomorrow! It is like a multi-hydroxy treatment all in one!

Best Skincare Products For Aging

A Multi Hydroxy Treatment In One! 

Lift Up Crepe Skin Rejuvenation Cream

May help to dramatically improve skin firmness. Moisturizing, rejuvenating, and clarifying skin care for aging skin. May make the skin more sensitive to the sun. Contains Vitamin C, and many of Mother Nature’s moisturizers.

Comes in a 50 ml Airless Bottle

Basic Suggested Use: Lightly apply on your face. Massage circular on your face, massage upward on the neck and around the eyes. Best to use in the morning and evening. It is a regeneration formula and that means it takes the skin up to 90 days to shed the old wrinkly skin so that fresh firmer skin can make its beautiful appearance.

Key Ingredients: Acetyl Hexapeptide-8, Glycolic Acid, Lactic Acid, Multi-Fruit Acids, Fragaria Vesca (Strawberry) Fruit Extract, Morus Nigra Fruit Extract, Rubus Idaeus (Raspberry) Fruit Extract, Prunus Avium (Sweet Cherry) Fruit Extract, Tocopheryl Acetate

Key Ingredients

Acetyl Hexapeptide-8 – Commonly referred to as “Botox in a jar” because it’s believed to inhibit the release of neurotransmitters and relax the facial muscles- thus reducing expression lines and wrinkles.

  • Inhibits the release of neurotransmitters and relax the facial muscles- thus Reduces expression lines and wrinkles.
  • Minimizes fines lines and wrinkles
  • Improves skin elasticity
  • Activates collagen production
  • Stimulates repair and renewal mechanisms of the skin
  • Rebuilds skin for a more defined and lifted look.
  • Diminishes pores
  • Improves skin texture – smoother and softer-looking skin.
  • Helps improve stubborn laugh lines.

Glycolic Acid – Derived from cane sugar, it has the smallest molecules in the group so can penetrate the skin deeply and easily, making it the most effective for treating fine lines, acne, blackheads, dullness, and oiliness.

Chemical peels use a high percentage of this acid and can be very effective if done safely and properly.

  • Smooths skin. Dead skin cells are sloughed off revealing smoother, brighter and more youthful skin.
  • Exfoliates releases and dissolves dead skin cells
  • Helps improve acne particularly cystic acne which is caused by deep blockages of dead skin cells and sebum
  • Helps to reduce fine lines and signs of premature aging by increasing cell turnover – meaning younger, healthier cells are now visible on the skin’s surface.
Best Skincare Products For Aging

Lactic Acid Lactic acid is a natural acid derived from milk, fruit, vegetables and other plants. It’s found in over-the-counter skin care products used for anti-aging and is also used in chemical peels. With a reputation for being gentler and less irritating than glycolic acid, it also hydrates, increases natural barrier lipids in the outer layer of skin, and lightens and brightens the look of skin for those with discoloration.

  • Reduces the trans-epidermal loss of water through the increased production of oils and fats within the skin.
  • Helps hydrate the cell structure of the skin and keep it supple.
  • Works on the surface of the skin to stimulate cell turnover, reduce pigmentation, and brighten the appearance of the face.
  • Improves skin texture, reduces scarring, and controls oiliness.

Prunus Avium (Sweet Cherry) Fruit Extract

  • Hydrates result in a bright, vibrant, and clear skin.
  • Facilitates a smooth flow of nutrients into the skin cells.
  • Helps skin cells become plump and full, giving the appearance of firmer, clearer and healthier skin.
Best Skincare Products For Aging

About the product

  • Kick aging skin in the butt with this rich Anti-Aging Lifting Cream With Natural Ingredients that reform Crepe Skin and Unveil Tighter, Firmer Softer, Smoother and More Youthful Sexy Skin.
  • Do you have crepe skin that’s wrinkled, cracked, beginning to fold like an old newspaper or wrinkled up like crepe paper? I did and I was tired of it so I found the solution that works while you sleep. Lift Up Crepey Skin Cream is formulated specifically for crazy-looking prematurely aging skin. This rich natural nourishing cream improves skin thickness, texture, tone, and elasticity, decreases wrinkles, boosts collagen production, improves hydration, and moisturizes superbly.
  • LONG-TERM SMOOTHING COMPLEX It works into the deeper layers of your skin to reduce the appearance of damaged skin that robs you of your youthful beauty. As the Key transforming ingredient, it’s formulated using Acetyl Hexapeptide-8 – Commonly referred to as “Botox in a jar” because it’s believed to inhibit the release of neurotransmitters and relax the facial muscles- thus reducing expression lines and wrinkles. It inhibits the release of neurotransmitters and relaxes the facial muscles, thus Red
  • NOURISH YOUR SKIN WITH MOTHER NATURE’S BEST SKIN REPAIR CREATIONS – Prunus Avium (Sweet Cherry) Fruit Extract -Hydrates resulting in a bright, vibrant, and clear skin. Facilitates a smooth flow of nutrients into the skin cells. Helps skin cells become plump and full, giving the appearance of firmer, clearer, and healthier skin. Rubus Idaeus (Raspberry) Fruit Extract is Helpful for eczema and psoriasis. Prevents oxidative damage, which can lead to premature skin aging and skin cancer. Repairs sk
  • Start today. Order your bottle and start turning back the clock. You have nothing to lose, we stand behind our products. We are non-GMO, natural, cruelty-free, recyclable containers and care about you and your desire to look amazing every day!

Order Yours Today!


Victoria Johnson

Celebrity Trainer,

Best Selling Author,

Skin Care & Supplement Designer

Best Skincare Products For Aging

Best Skincare Products For Aging

Best Skincare Products For Aging

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